A contemplative yet interactive collectible.

Each echo is a combination of several creative attributes that shape its perceptible experience. These attributes are stored on-chain, and some can evolve over time. The code behind the generation and display of the echoes is open and transparent, providing full visibility to those interested. The attributes include:

spectrum_ a combination of 2 colors for the particles
scenery_ a background color
trace_ the movement pattern of the particles
atmosphere_ an immersive soundscape that affects the particles

signature_ a distinct name that is unique to each echo

expansion_ the growth of the echo, defining the number of particles, which evolves over time and can be enhanced by the owner






Choose a unique identifier for your echo from the list.


You can generate an echo for free on a testnet (Ethereum Goerli, Polygon Mumbai, Arbitrum Goerli).

All chains provide the exact same functionalities, so you are welcome to choose any of them if you would like to experiment.

Please be aware that minting an echo is an experimental process and there is no guarantee regarding its reliability or value. By participating in the mint, you understand that you are doing so at your own risk and that the digital product is provided "as is" without any warranties or guarantees of any kind.